Slow Food

I was walking past the cheese counter in Whole Foods the other day when a man stopped me to ask if I would like to sample some of the cheddar on display.
I was already seduced by the pungent air, so I did and it was mouth wateringly good. It was mature, crumbling and addictive. The man told me it was the Original Cheddar from Cheddar in Somerset, the only cheddar cheese still made there. I nodded and took another piece.
He then went on to say that it was hand churned. I took another piece. Then he said it was wrapped up with love and care. I nodded, savoring the blissful intoxication. Then he said it is stored in a cave to mature for years. Well the cave did it, sold to the women on the left!
Cheddar should have the same status as Parmesan and Champagne. They just have been a little slow in registering it.
Talking of slow food, I was reading about the Slow Food Movement and I encourage you all to do the same. It is what life should be about; good, fair and clean food. Taking pleasure in life by rewarding the earth and those that prepare food with appreciation. A meal from organic, tasteful and local produce shared slowly with friends is hard to beat. Click the link to find out more - it gets my 100% support.