Restless legs

Restless legs is a symptom of anxiety and stress. It means your legs twitch or move uncontrollably. Mine do that, at night. I lie down in bed and off they go. I toss and turn, frustrated beyond belief. I'm supposed to be relaxing, taking time out, breathing deeply but not tonight or any of the last four months worth of nights.

So these restless legs, what are they all about? My thinking is I want to get the hell out of here and be on the move again. My travel list suddenly appears in my mind, I look around to chat but there is no one there. They are all married and multiplied so who will want to hear my next adventure plan?

My next adventure was supposed to be calming down, staying in one place, meditating...being still. What good is that doing me if I STILL have restless legs?

The wandering spirit is alive and kicking!


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